Interactive Display Systems

What Are The Uses Of Interactive Display Systems In the Transport Sector?

Smart glass technology used in making interactive display systems for modern means of transportation is a game changer. It allows converting a simple-looking piece of glass into a Passenger Information System (PIS) for displaying information about upcoming trains, routes, fares, and other important things.

Let’s discuss the smart glass technology and its uses in detail

Smart glass technology

As evident from the name, the technology makes glasses smart. The window that allows you to take in scenic views from your seat can also be used to display useful information like the next station, amenities available, expected time to reach your destination, important phone numbers, advertisements, and educational material.

A smart window display works just like an LCD. It can be used as a normal window or as an LCD depending on your needs. In transport systems, these windows can be used to establish communication with passengers. The system managers can keep the passengers updated about the confirmation of their tickets, journey timing, number of stations, and emergencies like a breakdown.

How does smart glass technology work?

Smart glass utilizes digital technology that turns the glass into a display unit. But the glass has no control buttons. It is controlled with a remote. Only system administrators have the control of smart glasses. They make necessary settings in the display so the passengers get the necessary communication and information. Smart glass technology has many uses, especially in transportation systems. It can play a crucial role in transforming the travel experience of passengers.

Advantages of smart glass technology

  1. Information Everywhere

With a digital window display, information can be displayed anytime anywhere. In other words, you don’t need to bring passengers or customers to a specific place to send communication. You can easily use the smart glass technology to reach out to the commuters and keep them updated about the services.


  1. Entertainment

Smart glass technology can be used to entertain passengers. You can short movies and other educational content on the displays to entertain the commuters. In this way, you can keep them engaged with your services. It will enhance the travel experience of passengers to the manifold.


  1. Marketing

Interactive display systems can be used for marketing and branding. In other words, you can even make quick money by running advertisements for brands that want to expand their reach. Smart glass can be used as a marketing platform for profit.

Armored Glass

What Are The Various Uses Of Armored Glass Solutions?

The world needs armored glass solutions to safeguard both life and property. A bulletproof vehicle needs toughened windshields to create a functional and safe space inside the vehicle. Similarly, the windows of buildings can be bulletproofed against sniper shots and sudden attacks.

Let’s discuss the various uses of bulletproof glass technology


  1. Bulletproofing defense vehicles


Security forces, especially army personnel travel in vehicles properly bulletproofed from all areas. Vans and trucks for the army are exclusive in design, material, and technology. They have thick metal sheets that no bullet can pierce. Also, these metal sheets can withstand blasts. But bulletproofing is completed only after installing toughened windshields. These windshields provide both clear views and protection.


  1. Bulletproof cars


Armoring solutions are also available for bulletproofing personal vehicles including cars and SUVs. Business persons, sportspersons, celebrities, and everyone who fears for their life can bulletproof their car. Bulletproofing vehicles cost a price but it saves priceless lives. The job is done by strengthening the metal body and replacing the normal windshields with reinforced glass.


  1. Personal Security


Helmet and protection shields provided to security personnel to control unruly mobs are made of bulletproof glass. A helmet has both metal and glass. The metal part covers the head and the glass part covers the face. It allows the user to interact with the mob but remains safe from attack by sharp objects including bullets. Similarly, security personnel hold large glass shields for defense against harmful things like stones and cans. These shields are also made of bulletproof glass.


  1. Architectural safety


Buildings housing important government and private institutions can also be bulletproofed with the help of toughened glass. The glass can be used for making bullet resistant window and doors. In other words, you don’t need to use concrete everywhere as it will cut the building from the outside world completely. On the contrary, the glass will give a clear view of the outside and allow natural light to come in.


  1. Transport services


Trains, buses, and trucks also need toughened glass for windows and windshields. These glass pieces are called anti-vandalism glass pieces as they keep the vehicles safe from vandalism by unsocial elements.




Armored glass solutions are available for everyone and everything. It is a technology that can help fight enemies, terrorists, and unruly mobs. A toughened glass is light in weight but heavy in strength. Its biggest advantage is that it never breaks into pieces or shreds.