Bullet-Resistant Glass

What Are The Civilian Uses Of A Bullet-Resistant Glass?

A piece of glass can be fabricated to change its uses. Starting from bulletproofing to controlling light, it can be used in different ways. It can be a bullet-resistant glass useful for military applications or it can be a decorative piece for facade improvement. In this blog, we will discuss various uses of a piece of fabricated glass.

Military uses

Military vehicles need bulletproofing to keep going in border areas, forests, and other high-risk zones. Trucks used for movement of troops are designed to tread for off-roading. They can take armed soldiers and commandos safely to disturbed areas and rescue them from battlefields. Military trucks are made strong with thick metal plates. But the bulletproofing is completed only when they get powerful windshields. Bulletproof windshields give a clear view of the area and keep the soldiers safe from stray bullets.

VIP security

Vehicles used for VIP movement and security are properly bulletproofed with heavy metal plates and windshields. VIPs sitting inside their SUVs remain invisible to outsiders but the large windscreen allows a clear view of the road ahead. A large windscreen is needed to find the safest and shortest way to avoid confronting situations. VIPs of the world rely on armored glass solutions for safe movements.

Façade designing

A glass façade looks more beautiful because of its shine. Also, it remains young forever. In other words, glass doesn’t age. Once cleaned, it becomes new again. But fabricated glass used for façade designing can do more than beautify a building. It allows sunlight control, noise control, and maintaining privacy.

Personal protection

Armored glass solutions are needed for making personal protective gear like bulletproof helmets. A steel helmet can protect your head from stray bullets aimed at your head. But you need a piece of glass to cover your face. It should keep your face safe from frontal attacks and provide a clear view as well.

Glass fabrication technology has civilian uses as well. Toughened fabricated glass can be used for making impact-resistant train windshields. Similarly, toughened glass can be used for making bulletproof doors and windows of important establishments.

Also, a piece of glass can be fabricated into a smart window display connected to a remote control center from where it can be operated. It can be used to provide important updates like weather, flight timings, train timings, and nearby amenities to people. Also, it can be used to run advertisements to make a profit.

Armoring Solutions

Which Glass Provides The Best Armoring Solutions?

Glass fabrication has armoring solutions for all forces including the Army, Air Force, and Navy. A piece of fabricated glass is transparent armor as it provides clear visibility and improves safety. Also, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that it helps in the movement of troops by shielding them from bullets and blasts.

Let’s discuss the uses of fabricated glass in the defense sector

  1. Military applications

Military vehicles including trucks and jeeps are fitted with bulletproof windshields. These vehicles use thick layers of metal plates to remain bulletproof but they need fabricated glass for windshields. Troops moving along borders and disturbed areas are often subjected to sudden attacks by enemies or insurgent groups. They patrol the border and disturb areas in bulletproof vehicles with strong windshields that allow them to keep moving even amid heavy firing.

  1. Paramilitary and VIP applications

Civilian security is as important as the security of troops. Also, civilian vehicles such as SUVs used by important persons are properly bulletproofed using ballistic-rated glass at windshields and window panes. It is fabricated glass that can withstand bullet fires and blasts. The glass doesn’t shred on coming into contact with bullets.

  1. Helicopter cockpit protection

Helicopters play a crucial role in aerial surveys of disturbed areas. Also, the flying machines used for surveying use large glasses to provide a bigger view of the ground. Luckily this glass has a high ballistic rating that keeps it safe from stray bullets fired by hidden insurgents. Also, the fabricated glass manages UV radiation.

  1. Marine applications

Ships and other watercrafts used for patrolling maritime boundaries are equipped with high-endurance anti-ballistic glass to strengthen the security of defense personnel manning the watercraft. Also, this glass can withstand tough sea conditions including thermal shocks and atmospheric changes.

  1. Personal protection

Law enforcement troops deployed to control unruly mobs need a bulletproof dress that provides them complete coverage from head to toe. They wear helmets with bulletproof visors to remain safe from frontal attacks during man-to-man control. Also, they hold large glass shields to prevent attack stones, bottles, and canes.

It is only glass fabrication that can provide complete armoring solutions to the world. It has made it possible to bulletproof vehicles, helicopters, and watercraft. Also, a piece of glass can be fabricated in any shape or size to meet individual needs. Fabricated glass does more than simply bulletproofing. It provides acoustic insulation and safety from UV rays.