What Is Smart Window Technology?

Fabricated glass has many uses. For example, take armored glass solutions. The latest fabrication technology can convert a piece of regular glass into a piece of armored glass that can be used as a windshield in automobiles. Also, armored glass can be used for making personal protection gear. But there the important thing is fabrication technology.

Let’s understand the fabrication technology and its uses


  1. Armored windshield and windows

Military vehicles have windshields and windows made of bulletproof glass. They need proper bulletproofing to remain safe from enemy attacks. The latest fabrication technology has made it possible to produce glass panels with high-impact resistance. The advantage of these panels is that they can be cut into any shape and size and fitted into any vehicle.


  1. Personal protection gear

Security personnel need personal protection gear like visors to protect their eyes and face. Bulletproof glass provides reliable armored glass solutions. Safety helmets have visors made of bulletproof glass. Similarly, the security personnel need a protective shield they can hold in their hands while controlling unruly mobs. Bulletproof glass is used for making personal protection gear.


  1. Display unit

Fabrication technology can transform a simple piece of glass into a display unit. It can add digital technology to the glass so you can use the glass as a display on which you can open web pages, chat windows, and run advertisements. It is possible as fabrication technology has already reached the next level.


  1. Display window

A smart window display is a display unit designed for use in public places and transport systems. For example, the displays can be installed at airports, railway stations, and malls where the authorities can use the display units to communicate with viewers. Trains can use the displays to aware passengers of coming stations, fare charges, and facilities available.


  1. Façade designing

Façade designing is used in the construction industry. A building can have a glass façade but it won’t be an ordinary glass that can break with little pressure. The glass panels used for façade designing are bulletproof. Also, they can control light and they can be made transparent or opaque according to needs.



Smart window technology is one of the many uses of glass fabrication. Glass fabrication is considered a revolution because it has made glass more useful. Fabricated glass is thin in shape, lightweight, and more attractive. However, the biggest advantage of fabrication technology is it can be used to provide customized solutions.

Armoring Solutions

What Are The Latest Armoring Solutions Of The World?

The world needs the best armoring solutions for the safety of security personnel, important people, and assets including government offices, corporate companies, and transport systems. The solution the world has is bulletproof glass. If all important things can be covered with bulletproof glass, the world can become a safe place.

Let’s discuss the various uses of bulletproof glass

  1. Military vehicles

Vehicles used for transporting security personnel need bulletproofing as they are always under attack by enemies and terrorists. You can say that these vehicles can be covered with heavy metal sheets to provide added protection from bullets and blasts. But you should know that these vehicles also need windshields and window glasses. These glasses should be bulletproofed.


  1. Personal gear

A safety helmet can prove to be the best defense against direct attack from unruly mobs. Security personnel need this helmet while dealing with unsocial elements. The helmet protects the head and the visor on the helmet protects the face and eyes. Made of bullet-resistant glass, the visor keeps security personnel safe from bullets and sharp objects used by unsocial elements.


  1. VIP vehicles

Important political personalities and business tycoons travel in bulletproof vehicles. They use sedans and SUVs that are properly bulletproofed with extra layers of metal and bulletproof glass. The glass used for front and back windshields and windows are bulletproof. Also, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that it won’t be possible to bulletproof a vehicle without impact-resistant glass.


  1. Security guard

Security personnel standing guard at important government offices need safety from snipers and sudden attacks. They sit in bulletproof cabins from where they monitor the gates. Sitting in a safe cabin, they can control the movement of people to prevent suspected people from entering the building. They keep an eye on human movement from behind a bullet resistant window.


  1. Building façade

Bulletproof glass panels can be used for the beautification of a building. These glass panels will not only improve the visual look of the building but boost its safety as well. Also, the glass can be used to control light entering the building.



The world armoring solutions should be suitable for all needs. Also, they shouldn’t be an expensive affair. Bulletproof glass is an ideal solution for every need. Whether you need glass for bulletproofing a vehicle or you want to make a security helmet, you will need a piece of glass with high impact resistance.

armoring solutions

What Is Transparent Armor Technology?

Glass fabrication is also called transparent armor technology because the pieces of glass produced with fabrication are used on automobiles and buildings. In this blog, we will discuss the various uses of fabricated glass in the defense sector.

First, you should understand the requirements of the defense sector

The defense industry is also called the security sector. It has tanks for battle and vehicles to transport security personnel to disturbed areas. Also, the industry includes establishments like buildings. The security personnel need safety gear to fulfill their duties. They need bulletproof visors to stand firmly before unsocial elements. Here you can say that they need equipment that can enhance their strength.

In the defense sector, you rely on your eyes to identify enemies without risking your life. It is where transparent armor technology is used. It provides transparency to users and keeps them safe as well. Also, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that it is only with the help of this technology that security personnel can provide comprehensive security cover to civilized society, the commercial sector, industry, public places, and government agencies.

First, we will discuss the automobile industry

Automobile includes luxury sedans, SUVs, jeeps, trucks, and tanks used by security personnel. These vehicles need glass that provides clear views of the outside and protects the insiders as well. It is called bulletproofing. The vehicles are made bulletproof by strengthening with layers of metal and glass. Bulletproof vehicles are needed not only for transporting security personnel but important personalities as well.

Armored windshields protect people traveling in bulletproof vehicles. The drivers get a clear view of the road so they can find safe ways to escape and the bulletproofing protects the passengers from bullets and blasts. Insiders can see the outside but outsiders can’t see inside bulletproof vehicles. Similar glasses are used for making windows and doors of security establishments.

Buildings housing offices of big businesses and government agencies require full-proof security. The good thing is they can also be bulletproofed using fabricated glass. For example, the buildings can be made beautiful with glass windows and doors. The windows will provide transparency and improve safety as well.

Auto glass manufacturing is in demand and the demand will increase considering the fragile security situation of the world. Vehicles used by the defense industry and important persons need bulletproofing and glass plays a crucial role in bulletproofing vehicles. Similarly, edifices can be made bulletproof.

What Are The Uses Of A Smart Window Display?

Glass is a fragile product because it breaks easily. If you apply pressure on it, it will break into pieces or shreds. Also, it will pierce everything that comes into contact with these shreds. But it can be used for making armored glass solutions with fabrication.

Let’s understand glass fabrication in detail

It is a technology that allows reinforcing glass. The objective is to increase the strength of glass to the point where it becomes reliable. First, it shouldn’t break into shreds because glass shreds are more harmful than bullets. Second, the glass should be able to withstand the force produced by bullets and blasts. For example, our defense vehicles used for transporting security personnel need bulletproof windshields and windows.

Glass fabrication is the only technology that can be used for producing bulletproof windshields. These windshields can protect your security personnel from close-range blasts and stray bullets targeted toward defense vehicles. Also, the windshields provide a clear view to drivers. However, it is only one aspect of glass fabrication. The technology can also be used for making a smart window display.

For example, take the window of a train. It can be used to update travelers about the upcoming stations, stoppage time, and facilities available on the stations. Also, the windows can be used to educate travelers about new routes, ticket prices, and other things. Glass fabrication has made it possible to make windows smart and digital. These windows will transform the travel experience of people.

A digital window display can be used for earning quick money from marketing. Transport agencies can use the displays to run ads and earn profit according to views. Also, they can easily change the ads or keep the displays idle to allow people to have beautiful views of the outside. Glass fabrication has made glass a useful product for both the defense and transport industries.

For example, take a train window. It has to be strong enough to resist an impact. Also, it should be digitalized to be used as a display. Glass fabrication is done to customize glass pieces for specific uses. A digital display can be controlled from a remote area with Wi-Fi control systems.

Glass fabrication has the answer to the present and changing needs of the defense and transport industry. It can provide reliable armored glass solutions to security agencies and establishments. Also, the technology provides digital window solutions to the transport industry.

Interactive Display Systems

What Are The Uses Of Interactive Display Systems In the Transport Sector?

Smart glass technology used in making interactive display systems for modern means of transportation is a game changer. It allows converting a simple-looking piece of glass into a Passenger Information System (PIS) for displaying information about upcoming trains, routes, fares, and other important things.

Let’s discuss the smart glass technology and its uses in detail

Smart glass technology

As evident from the name, the technology makes glasses smart. The window that allows you to take in scenic views from your seat can also be used to display useful information like the next station, amenities available, expected time to reach your destination, important phone numbers, advertisements, and educational material.

A smart window display works just like an LCD. It can be used as a normal window or as an LCD depending on your needs. In transport systems, these windows can be used to establish communication with passengers. The system managers can keep the passengers updated about the confirmation of their tickets, journey timing, number of stations, and emergencies like a breakdown.

How does smart glass technology work?

Smart glass utilizes digital technology that turns the glass into a display unit. But the glass has no control buttons. It is controlled with a remote. Only system administrators have the control of smart glasses. They make necessary settings in the display so the passengers get the necessary communication and information. Smart glass technology has many uses, especially in transportation systems. It can play a crucial role in transforming the travel experience of passengers.

Advantages of smart glass technology

  1. Information Everywhere

With a digital window display, information can be displayed anytime anywhere. In other words, you don’t need to bring passengers or customers to a specific place to send communication. You can easily use the smart glass technology to reach out to the commuters and keep them updated about the services.


  1. Entertainment

Smart glass technology can be used to entertain passengers. You can short movies and other educational content on the displays to entertain the commuters. In this way, you can keep them engaged with your services. It will enhance the travel experience of passengers to the manifold.


  1. Marketing

Interactive display systems can be used for marketing and branding. In other words, you can even make quick money by running advertisements for brands that want to expand their reach. Smart glass can be used as a marketing platform for profit.

Armored Glass

What Are The Various Uses Of Armored Glass Solutions?

The world needs armored glass solutions to safeguard both life and property. A bulletproof vehicle needs toughened windshields to create a functional and safe space inside the vehicle. Similarly, the windows of buildings can be bulletproofed against sniper shots and sudden attacks.

Let’s discuss the various uses of bulletproof glass technology


  1. Bulletproofing defense vehicles


Security forces, especially army personnel travel in vehicles properly bulletproofed from all areas. Vans and trucks for the army are exclusive in design, material, and technology. They have thick metal sheets that no bullet can pierce. Also, these metal sheets can withstand blasts. But bulletproofing is completed only after installing toughened windshields. These windshields provide both clear views and protection.


  1. Bulletproof cars


Armoring solutions are also available for bulletproofing personal vehicles including cars and SUVs. Business persons, sportspersons, celebrities, and everyone who fears for their life can bulletproof their car. Bulletproofing vehicles cost a price but it saves priceless lives. The job is done by strengthening the metal body and replacing the normal windshields with reinforced glass.


  1. Personal Security


Helmet and protection shields provided to security personnel to control unruly mobs are made of bulletproof glass. A helmet has both metal and glass. The metal part covers the head and the glass part covers the face. It allows the user to interact with the mob but remains safe from attack by sharp objects including bullets. Similarly, security personnel hold large glass shields for defense against harmful things like stones and cans. These shields are also made of bulletproof glass.


  1. Architectural safety


Buildings housing important government and private institutions can also be bulletproofed with the help of toughened glass. The glass can be used for making bullet resistant window and doors. In other words, you don’t need to use concrete everywhere as it will cut the building from the outside world completely. On the contrary, the glass will give a clear view of the outside and allow natural light to come in.


  1. Transport services


Trains, buses, and trucks also need toughened glass for windows and windshields. These glass pieces are called anti-vandalism glass pieces as they keep the vehicles safe from vandalism by unsocial elements.




Armored glass solutions are available for everyone and everything. It is a technology that can help fight enemies, terrorists, and unruly mobs. A toughened glass is light in weight but heavy in strength. Its biggest advantage is that it never breaks into pieces or shreds.

What Are The Different Uses Of Armoring Solutions?

Security establishments of the world need armoring solutions like bulletproof vehicles, anti-ballistic window panes, toughened windshields, and acoustic buildings. Regular glass is fabricated to make it suitable for use in security establishments.

Let’s discuss various advantages of an armored glass

  1. Bullet resistance

Fabricated glass is so designed that it withstands bullets and gunfire even from a close range. This glass can be used for making windshields and window panes for automobiles and buildings. Armored vehicles used to transport soldiers can be fitted with toughened windshields to provide added protection to soldiers.

  1. Transparency

A ballistic rated glass is thick enough to withstand the pressure of bullets and it is clear enough to allow transparency. It provides a clear view so the viewers won’t have any hassle in taking in the views. Automobile windshields need to have better clarity so the driver can have a better view of the road. A transparent windshield will help improve road safety.

  1. UV protection

A fabricated glass can prevent UV rays from passing through it. In other words, it can protect people from coming into contact with harmful UV rays. For example, you can use toughened glass for making your window panes, and rest assured that the interior of your home remains free from UV rays. This level of protection is hard to get from regular glass.

  1. Soundproofing

A bullet-resistant glass is good for soundproofing. It can prevent sound waves from traveling inside or outside. When used as architectural glass, it makes a soundproof building that remains safe from noise pollution. Similarly, you can make soundproof rooms and cabins with architectural glass. Since it is a toughened product, there is little need to worry about its durability and upkeep. It won’t get damaged or scratched even after long-term use.

  1. Energy efficiency

Smart glass is energy efficient as it can control the amount of light traveling through it. In this way, it can be used for making environment-friendly edifices. When used as architectural glass, it can help light the interior with natural light. Also, it can keep the interior comfortable by controlling the amount of light traveling through it.


It is to be noted that the specific benefits and capabilities of armoring solutions largely depend on the technology used. Or it would be much better to say that the knowledge and experience of the manufacturer will play a crucial role in determining the properties of fabricated glass.

Bulletproof Glass Shield for Construction

How Is Bulletproof Glass Used By The Construction Industry?

Glass fabrication with CNC machining technology has made it possible to produce toughened glass pieces that can be used as armor against bullets and blasts. An armor glass has many uses in addition to making bullet-proof vehicles.

Let’s understand the process of fabricating glasses and their uses

  1. Military vehicles

Trucks and jeeps used by soldiers have toughened windshields and window panes. These windshields can withstand close-range fires and heavy blasts. They will remain firm even in heavy firing. Also, they provide clear views so the driver and passenger have a clear view of the road and surrounding area. Outsiders can see the passengers but they can’t hit the passengers. The toughened glass will protect the passengers.

  1. Civilian vehicles

Bulletproof glass is used in civilian vehicles used by business leaders and heads of state. These SUVs look simple from the outside but they are well protected with heavy metal and transparent armor. Bulletproofing an SUV can add a little weight to the vehicle but adding a toughened windshield prevents the vehicles from becoming bulky.

  1. Architectural glass

Concrete buildings can provide a sense of safety but they can’t help in saving energy. For example, you will need lighting solutions and air conditioning to light the interior and make it comfortable. It is where you can take advantage of architectural glass. If the exterior of the building is made of fabricated glass, it can provide natural light and control climate as well.

Using anti-ballistic glass for architecture is a great idea. It will beautify the building, provide added safety from bullets and blasts, allow natural light to travel inside, and help in controlling climate. Also, you can turn the glass opaque so you can keep the interior safe from envious eyes. Since the glass is toughened, you need not worry about its safety or upkeep.

  1. Glass doors

The glass used for making doors and window panes is fabricated for tough use. The advantage of toughened glass is it provides both safety and transparency. For example, it can’t be forced open as it can’t be broken even with bullets. Also, it will improve the acoustics of the interior. You can maintain peace and privacy in the interior.


Armor glass has multiple uses in the security and automobile sectors. The construction and architectural industry has also recognized the advantages of fabricated glass. Today toughened glass is widely used in designing safety products like ballistic shields and environment-friendly edifices.

Experience Innovation in Transparent Armor: OSG Unveils Cutting-Edge Solutions at DSEI23

OSG’s DSEI 2023 Display Highlights:

  • OSG’s unique system approach to transparent armor systems
  • Lightweight, transparent armor for light, medium, and heavy armored vehicles
  • ADI® Non-Polycarbonate technology for a significant extended life cycle and warranty
  • A new, lightweight, transparent armor designed specifically for helicopters
  • The first glass-embedded display screen designed for the combat vehicle environment

Kibbutz Zova, 1 Sept. 2023 — OSG, a global leader in developing and manufacturing transparent armor systems, is set to showcase its advanced products at the Defense and Security Equipment International (DSEI2023) event. The company, renowned for its state-of-the-art technology and superior performance, is committed to providing unrivaled protection and operational lifecycle for the vehicles serving our warfighters.


OSG’s transparent armor kits, battle-tested in modern conflicts and trusted worldwide, have been deployed in tens of thousands of vehicles and saved lives in countless events. OSG offers superior ballistic protection and unparalleled clarity within all the relevant specifications. A proprietary “ADI” technology developed by the company extends the window’s operational lifespan beyond conventional products. The company’s unique blend of advanced production technologies and technical skills has helped create a multi-faceted, future-ready system setting new defense standards.

“At DSEI23, we will demonstrate the breadth and depth of our innovative solutions. Our unique ballistic solutions include ceramics, metals, and composites built into transparent armor systems that offer superior protection while maintaining long operational efficiency,” says Michael Schwartz, CEO of OSG.

At DSEI 2023, the company will also showcase a new, lightweight, transparent armor built from proprietary ceramic materials and designed specifically for vehicles and helicopters.

“Another highlight at DSEI is our ScreeneX technology, the first glass-embedded display screen for combat vehicles. This groundbreaking technology delivers high-resolution video and alphanumeric graphics, maximizing cabin space with information displayed directly on the windshield or side windows.” Schwartz added.

“OSG continues to push the boundaries of transparent armor technology. Our focus is not just on today but on preparing for the future. These transparent armor systems are a testament to our commitment to long-term value and protection,” Schwartz added.

OSG invites attendees to Booth H1-220 to experience cutting-edge products and discuss potential collaborations.

For more information or to arrange a meeting at DSEI23, contact galim@osg.co.il.


About OSG: OSG is a leading developer and manufacturer of specialty glazing systems for the defense and transportation markets. OSG is a trusted armored glass solutions provider for the world’s leading vehicle OEMs. For more information, visit https://osg-group.com.

Auto Glass Manufacturing

How Will Be Your First Experience With Smart Window Technology?

The world is looking forward to the unveiling of smart window technology that is going to change the way you look at glass windows. Also, it is interesting to know how technology will make ordinary glass more powerful and useful.

First, understand the latest glass technology

It won’t be an exaggeration to call technology a revolution as it is going to change everything. Whether it is a glass door or a window, you will be surprised to know about the changes this technology will bring to ordinary glass. One thing that can be said about the new technology is that it has something for everyone.

  1. Architectural uses

Glass can improve the interior as well as exterior décor of a building. Today it is possible to construct an all-glass building. The large pieces of glass will be used to create the exterior of the building and this design will improve the heat management of the edifice. For example, take a reflective exterior. It will reflect the sun’s rays to keep the interior cool. But digital window display has more uses.

  1. Digital screen

The time has come to improve the windows of transport vehicles especially trains into digital displays on which passengers can get information about their journey. It is possible. In the future, trains will come equipped with glasses that will convert into digital displays for passengers. It will help railways to improve their services. They will be able to keep the passengers updated about their services.

  1. Smart glass

Smart window technology will improve your traveling experience to the next level. It is the future of the transport system. Presently you need blinds to cover your window so you can take a rest on your seat. Blind is needed to control the heat and light. But soon it will be a thing of the past as window technology will allow you to change the properties of the glass.

For example, it will be easier to shade down your window to make the indoor comfortable. Also, the latest glass will be easier to maintain. It will give you a premium passenger experience. Technology has always come to the rescue of mankind whenever humans need a solution.


Whether it is a smart window display or greater control over the light, heat, and sound, you will find the future windows scoring high on every factor. The technology will enhance your passenger experience in many ways.