Ballistic Rated Glass

What Are Non-Military Uses Of Armoring Glass Solutions?

Armoring glass solutions is one of the many benefits of fabricated glass. Glass can be fabricated into a strong bulletproof material suitable for use on military vehicles. It can be made so strong that it can withstand the force generated by bullets and blasts. Fabricated glass has found uses in all industries including construction and design.

Let’s discuss the various non-military uses of fabricated glass


  1. Safe transportation

Fabricated glass enhances the safety of transport vehicles, especially trains. Trains get hit by flying objects while running at a high speed. These objects travel with air and can be as thin and small as a hair strand. But they generate a great force due to speed and can damage a regular windshield.


  1. Smart glass

Glass embedded with smart window technology can be quite helpful in many things like controlling light filtering from the window. For example, you can control the amount of light filtering inside your home with smart technology. Also, you can turn the glass from opaque to transparent according to your needs. This technology wasn’t available a couple of years back.


  1. Noise control

Just like light, you can control noise as well. Fabricated glass can prevent sound waves travel through the windows so that outside noise such as vehicles honking, dogs barking, and people talking loudly over phones doesn’t disturb your privacy. Similarly, the indoor sound won’t come out. Fabricated glass will make a transparent wall for sound waves.


  1. Interactive display

Fabrication allows embedding glass with Internet technology that can turn a window into a digital window display. Also, it is possible to digitalize all windows of a train so all passengers can enjoy their journey by interacting with the displays. Also, they can use the advanced features to control light and sound coming from the windows.


  1. Automobile windshields

Windshields used in automobiles are made of fabricated glass. For this reason, automobile windshields don’t break into pieces during accidents. They keep drivers and passengers safe from glass shreds. Today maximum demand for fabricated glass comes from the automobile sector,

Glass fabrication was initially used for providing armoring glass solutions to the world militaries and security forces of the world. However, the suitability of fabricated glass for various purposes made it an all-rounder. Today fabricated glass is used for everything that can made of glass. Fabrication technology has made fragile glass safe and more useful for modern industries.